But - the Feds did get one looter.. according to Baja Insider: "the Director of Los Cabos Civil Defense was dismissed after Federal Police found more than 180 items in his home that could be traced to looting following Hurricane Odile. Included were tires, bicycles, stereo and electronic equipment he claimed he was "keeping secured". The Fed's didn't buy that excuse, criminal charges are pending." We are going to miss him.
As of Oct. 15, International flights to Cabo have resumed, most resorts, hotels, restaurants and bars have opened. See our list of Cabo resorts that have reopened or are rescheduled to open elsewhere on this blog.
Cabo Free Press Sept. 21
Cabo Free Press - As of 9/19 power had been restored to many areas of Cabo and La Paz Normal commercial flights into Cabo are still estimated to be a week away, while emergency flights taking tourists out and emergency supplies in continue. If one is not lucky enough to snag a free flight out, the ferry to Mazatlan or Topolobampo may be the next best bet.
From Mazatlan or Topolobambo one can take a bus or flight to the border. Or continue your vacation in Mazatlan - its a great vacation town. Topolobampo no..
But Los Mochis approximately 20 miles from T. is where you can arrange to take the famed Copper Canyon train (El Chepe) through the mountains to Chihuahua. From there fly out or bus to the border. Contact the Cabo Surf Hotel in Los Cabos or the Santa Anita Hotel in Los Mochis for reservations. Also one can fly to Topolobampo via commuter plane from the Cabo private aviation airport and be picked up by Santa Anita Hotel van. - David Mandich
The Baja Insider reports Sept. 20:
"The news from Los Cabos is more grim than here in La Paz. We had toned down our reports of looting in Cabo San Lucas on conflicting reports, but we must unfortunately say that the good news was nothing more than great PR.
4 of 8 BCS Walmarts have been looted according to the Baja Insider
Our publisher in Cabo confirms that the looting has continued and there are in fact groups roaming around in trucks with bats and worse looking for the next opportunity. They have targeted a few gringo neighborhoods including those around from Home Depot, but more commonly the Mexican barrios. Cabo police appear to have stood aside since Monday and proven themselves completely ineffective. We have first hand reports of a Cabo police vehicle with a new big screen TV in the back, will it make it to the evidence room?
Army helicopters are now patrolling the skies over the city along with ground forces to restore order and tranquility. Many neighborhoods have barricaded the streets to prevent roving looters. Reports to the contrary are simply Cabo PR.
The airport is dispatching foreigners to a number of select airports on the mainland and consulate staff from the US and Canada are in the airport assisting citizens in finding alternative routes home. The road north from Cabo San Lucas is heavy with traffic and a curfew will be in effect again tonight in Cabo San Lucas. The situation is anything but calm, particularly after dark. It is hoped that the military will do do this evening. where the Cabo Police have failed.
They want people out of Cabo San Lucas and are transporting foreigners to any destination they can on the mainland or north.
Thursday the president has dispatched 500 more troops and federal police are in route "to restore order". A curfew was in effect from 9PM until sunrise, although apparent even some of the police were unaware of this. President Enrique Peña Nieto and Governor Marcos Covarrubias Villaseñor toured some of the hardest hit areas and the area has been granted more federal emergency relief .
Considering the isolated nature of the tip of the peninsula on a good day, the federal government response to this emergency has been amazing despite the difficulty in getting manpower and materials on scene.
Medano Beach facilities are in shambles and many of the beachfront resorts suffered damage but guests remained secure. We have had reports that only outbound travel is being allowed from the San Jose del Cabo Airport, but this is unconfirmed as the airport was quite a mess as of late Monday. Neither American Airlines or United could confirm but other posting indicate as many as 30 flights may be departing SJD airport today. Inbound flights are only bringing relief.
Staff from the US consulate have arrived to assist the staff of the local consular agency in processing Americans with transportation home. Many have driven to La Paz in hopes of getting a flight out but 1) there are no direct flights from La Paz to the US or Canada 2) what flights that exist to the mainland are already booked and stand-by lists are days out.
Fuel, food and water are en route to Los Cabos from as far north as San Diego and from disaster relief on the mainland. The ferry from Mazatlan will also bring supplies and additional military and federal police."
follow: cabo, cabo san lucas, cabo news, cabo odile update, cabo looting update, cabo looting arrests, los cabo, odile damage, odile looting, cabo flights, cabo evacuation, Baja insider, cabo free press, business week mexico