Review from Discover Los Cabos newspaper and testimonials for Doctor Antonio Serrano – San Jose Del Cabo eye doctor - opthamalogist, optometrist, Lazik and cataract eye surgeon, dispensing optician.
Antonio Serrano is an excellent eye doctor. He’s the one you want to see in Los
Cabos for any kind of eye related illness or injury. He also dispenses glasses
and performs Lazik surgeries.
practices his Lazik surgeries and other procedures in Tijuana which is
especially convenient for those from Southern California who wish to drive
across the border. David Mandich - Cabo writer.
Dr. Serrano.
I will always credit you with saving my left eye. I am very
your email, I decided to get another opinion as my eye did not feel right. On
April 9th. I saw another retina
specialist. There was a tear which was no longer small sort of regular size.
And my eye had tried to heal itself, there was a rolled up edge of scar tissue
on one side. It was high up around 11:45. Just like you said.
am so upset that the doctor I saw 2 days after I saw you the second time did
not find the tear so I was at risk for another 10 days. But if you had not
emailed me I think it eventually would have detached, thank you for taking the
time and concern to email me. I am very thankful for you.
ARTICLE: Reprinted from Discover Los Cabos Newspaper by David Mandich
Dr. Antonio Serrano, Los Cabos, Cabo San Lucas Baja Mexico
Expert Eye Doctor, Opthamologist -
"Normal" sight for this 50-something year-old young
man had become over the years - sight polluted by tiny black spots, amoeba-like
‘floaters,' and strange flashes of lightning. I hadn't had an eye exam in 10
years. Not willing to trust blind luck (no pun intended), I asked around for
the name of the best eye physician in Cabo San Lucas, Baja California, and was
immediately referred to Dr. Antonio Serrano located in nearby San Jose del
The doctor speaking perfect English, welcomed me to his
clinic for an exam and treatment. Being un-informed about eye care, I queried
him about his medical specialty and what kind of eye problems he encountered
here in Mexico.
Dr. Serrano spent 6 years obtaining his M.D. at the
University of Guadalajara graduating in 1985, another year interning in a
hospital, another year doing his Mexican government required social service in
a clinic, then another 3 years at the Institute of Ophthalmology in Mexico City
to be an eye surgeon. That's 11 years if I counted right. He's been practicing
in San Jose del Cabo for over 15 years.
The doctor has performed 1,000's of Lasik (Laser) surgeries,
treats eye diseases, and routinely performs cataract, strabisum (lazy-eye) and glaucoma surgeries. According to the doctor, allergies affecting the eye are
common in this desert-dust, semi-tropical environment - causing redness,
itchiness and eye discharge. Eye examination, treatment, and medicated
eyewashes will alleviate these symptoms.
You may want to reconsider your daily intake of alcohol,
sugar, sugared cereal, pastries, soft drinks, candy etc., as diabetes is the
leading cause of blindness. An annual eye check-up is critical for adults in
avoiding more serious problems. Especially for people with diabetes, high-blood
pressure, a family history of glaucoma, eye surgery or other serious eye
Often people become
used to having a virus in their eyes without knowing its presence is not normal
and can be cured. Prevention is most important according to Doctor Serrano. My 20 something year old son had one. Doctor
Serrano found it, treated it and saved his sight.
The doctor does complete eye exams - as opposed to others who
appear to be more interested in selling designer frames than providing health
care. Hint.... If you walk into a boutique eyeglasses clinic and see hundreds
of designer frames on the walls - Be careful, as you may get expensive frames
with an economy eye exam. Many eye clinics here and in the USA have technicians
dispense glasses or they don't give you a thorough medical eye exam.
A complete exam, also called a Dilated Eye Exam is where the
doctor using special ophthalmology equipment, widens the pupil allowing the
doctor to more closely inspect the inside of the eye. It's painless, and takes
the doctor more time - but is much more thorough. Remember, you're not going to
the eye doctors to buy a purse - you're going there to keep your eyes healthy.
Fashion glasses are secondary.
Prevent Blindness America recommends you see a doctor
immediately if you have any of the following symptoms: Trouble adjusting to
dark rooms, difficulty focusing, unusual sensitivity to light or glare, change
in color of the iris, red-rimmed, encrusted or swollen eyelids, recurrent pain
around the eyes, double vision, distorted lines and edges, excess tearing or
"watery eyes," dry itchy or burning eyes or see spots and floaters as
I did.
Emergency medical attention may be required with any of the
following serious symptoms: Sudden loss of vision in one eye, Sudden hazy or
blurred vision, flashes of light or black spots, halos or rainbows around
light, curtain-like blotting out of vision and loss of peripheral (side)
Accidental injuries to the eyes happen. Injuries caused by
fireworks to the face, eye and hands are entirely preventable. In Mexico,
fireworks are legal. But that doesn't make them any less dangerous. According
to Prevent Blindness America, in 2005 over 12,000 injuries were caused in the
USA by fireworks - 3,000 to the eyes, face, hand and ear, with seemingly
innocent sparklers accounting for half the injuries to children under 5 years
of age.
Bottle rockets were responsible for all surgeries where the
eye had to be removed while fireworks were directly responsible for 56 million
dollars in property damage. All fireworks "Safe and Sane," legal, or
not so, should be avoided at all costs. I can remember as a youth, being close
to being renamed One-Eyed Jack due to my mishandling of cute Ladyfingers
fireworks. Every 4th of July in the USA and September 15th (Mexican
Independence Day) - hospital emergency rooms fill up injured fireworks victims.
I'm happy to report that immediately after my treatment by
Doctor Serrano, all my vision problems were cured. I was amazed how painless
and thorough the treatment was. Doctor Serrano said my symptoms were a result
of aging, (who me?) but correctable. I vowed to make annual eye checkups part
of my personal health care program.
Contact: Doctor Antonio
Serrano at: (from
the USA) 011 52 (624) 142 6465 Cel 044 624 355 3433. Email:
San Jose del Cabo +52 (from the USA) (624) 142-6465; Cell: (044) 624-355-3433.
Paseo de los Marinos 635, San José del Cabo, Baja California Sur
Paseo de los Marinos 635, San José del Cabo, Baja California Sur
Dr. Serrano has a Facebook page and another page at:
Cabo Writer David Mandich, writes about medical
and dental tourism. He may be contacted at: angelswrote@gmail.com, url: www.angelswrote.wordpress.com
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